We cleaned the entirety of this renovated double-storey house in Chatswood on Sydney’s north shore. Another great job by Nouvelle and always a pleasure to work on a site that has been tidied by the various tradies that came before us.
This was actually an initial clean before we went back to detail – you can see this by the bathroom floor tiles which still have grout haze on them. Grout haze removal can be one of the hardest aspects of after-build cleaning, usually involving a couple of hours scraping, buffing, rubbing, scrubbing and detailing by hand. We are very skeptical of the large amount of articles online that advise how to clean grout haze as most of these simply don’t work very well, especially if the floor has been left for a few weeks, which is very likely if the builders have been in for a while and doing more than just the one room. Our only advice for removing grout haze is to get a professional to do it. By all means try vinegar and water, but 9 times out of 10 this won’t achieve the desired result.